When planning a conference it is so important to be aware of liability issues and have the proper insurance for your event. This really great two part podcasts discusses this issue. To watch the first podcast click here, and for the second half click here. Drugs, prostitution, alcohol are all things you have to worry about when hosting a conference at a hotel, especially when your guests stay at a hotel. You don't want these problems affiliated with your event. The hotel could be held negligent.
One very interesting issue I didn't think of was the matter of bed bugs. When you make an agreement with a hotel for rooms for people to sleep in, you make an offer of what your going to pay for a night and they are supposed to offer you a clean room for your needs. It is basically a contract. If they don't the hotel may be held liable to pay you compensatory damages. Depending on the damages, you could sue for punitive damages. Before choosing a hotel and conference center do research on the types of accommodations offered and make sure they are clean. It wouldn't be a bad idea to shop around and spend the night at the space you are planning to hold your conference.